IPL Skin Rejuvenation (光子嫩肤)

How does IPL work?

The Intense Pulsed Light is designed so that each shot of light comprises a sequence of rapid shorter pulses. These variable pulses ensure more controlled absorption by the appropriate structures whilst minimizing heating of the surrounding tissues. This means that a greater range of skin types can be safely and effectively treated than was previously possible.

What is the IPL treatment process?

After a full consultation with one of our fully trained IPL therapists, a comprehensive treatment programme can be developed to match your needs.

The area to be treated will be prepared and the applicator head will be stepped progressively across the skin to ensure complete coverage. An intense flash of light is applied to each section of the area to be treated. It feels like a tiny sting and is quite tolerable.

What skin conditions can IPL treat?

Ageing Skin
IPL will rejuvenate your skin by stimulating deep collagen production. Your skin will appear smoother, plumper and lifted, with uneven skin tone and skin texture greatly improved. Open pores will also be minimised.

During this treatment the light is absorbed by the appropriate structure in the skin stimulating collagen production or coagulating the tiny blood vessels, or breaking up the melanin in the pigmentation patch. Most people will need around 6 treatments for rejuvenation and up to 6 treatments for other conditions.

Red Veins
The light is absorbed by the veins causing coagulation of these tiny blood vessels.

The light is absorbed by the sun spot, age spot or other pigmentation and breaks up the melanin – melanin is the substance in the skin which causes pigmentation.

Active Acne
The light stimulates the production of oxygen which destroys the bacteria responsible for the pustules and other blemishes associated with acne. The pustules heal and redness and inflammation are greatly reduced. The skin’s healing response kicks in which improves any scarring and reduces further outbreaks.

Note: The treatment of red veins, age spots or other pigmentation, rosacea and scar tissue are all included in a rejuvenation session.

What makes this IPL/VPL system special?

Traditionally, light-based treatment has been associated with lasers. As technology has progressed, research has shown that Intense Pulsed Light (IPL), are regularly producing better results than the laser units originally available.

Note: Pulsed light units are non-laser, emitting light across a broad range of wavelengths that are preferentially absorbed by the appropriate structure in the skin.

Is there anything I need to do prior to or after IPL treatment?

Sun or tanning beds must be avoided for at least four weeks prior to treatment, to ensure your skin is as close to its natural colour as possible. You must also avoid the sun for seven days after IPL treatment.

Your therapist will advise you at the time of any other precautions to take.

IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) 彩光嫩肤: 它是一种非侵入性的皮肤美容技术,主要用于改善皮肤的质地和色调,适用于肤色不均、暗沉、细纹、毛孔粗大、色斑、红血丝、痘痘疤痕等多种皮肤问题。

IPL 的工作原理:

IPL 发出的多波段脉冲光可以穿透皮肤层,选择性作用于皮肤中的黑色素和血红蛋白,使其吸收光能并转化为热能,破坏不健康的色素细胞或扩张的血管。同时,这种光能可以刺激皮肤胶原蛋白的再生,使皮肤变得更光滑和紧致。

IPL 彩光嫩肤的优点:

  1. 多效修复:能够同时解决多种皮肤问题,如色斑、红血丝、细纹、痘疤等。

  2. 非侵入性:无须开刀,创伤小,恢复期短,日常活动不会受到太大影响。

  3. 安全性高:经过多次临床验证,对皮肤损伤小,副作用少。


IPL 适用于肤质较好但有轻微皮肤问题的人群,如轻度色斑、日晒斑、肤色不均、细纹、毛孔粗大等。然而,皮肤敏感、重度痤疮患者、瘢痕体质、孕妇以及有光敏性疾病的人群不适合使用 IPL。




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